Advantages of farm automation :

How Automation is Transforming the Farming Industry 2

Farm automation technology addresses major issues like a rising global population, farm labor shortages, and changing consumer preferences. The benefits of automating traditional farming processes are monumental.

Consumer Benefit

Consumers preferences are shifting towards organic and sustainably-produced products. With automation technology, produce reaches consumers faster, fresher, and more sustainably. Increase in productivity from automation increases the yield and rate of production, therefore reducing costs for consumers.

Labor Efficiency

Labor is over 50% of the cost to grow a farm and 55% of farmers say they are impacted by labor shortages. Because of this, 31% of farmers are moving to less labor-intensive crops. However, there is huge potential with harvest robots. Routine tasks can be automated with robotics technology, reducing labor costs and manpower needed amidst a labor shortage in the agriculture industry. A single strawberry robot harvester has the potential to pick a 25-acre area in 3 days and replace 30 farm workers.

Reduced Environmental Footprint

Farm automation practices can make agriculture more profitable while also reducing the ecological footprint of farming at the same time. Site-specific application software can reduce the amount of pesticides and fertilizer used while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions